Sony PS-X9

I'm close to making a purchase of mentioned TT.  Price is right at $13K.  Price wise, could I buy a better TT ??

Thanks in advance, 

I have never seen one that was actually for sale in the here and now.  I have seen listings that "ended" months or years before I found them.  I have to think, though, that one could find it for less than 5-figures.  I would shop in Tokyo or Hong Kong.  Contact someone at Hifido in Japan, and let them know you're a serious buyer.  And then settle down to wait.  OR, jump on the one you've found. On this subject too, it would be wise to contact JP and ask for his input on cost.  He has a website, Fidelis Analog.
Thank you all.  I will communicate with HiFiDo, I've purchased from them before. 

I will also contact JP.

I paid 4500 EUR two years ago on eBay for mine and 180 EUR shipping from Germany. The packing was superb. I considered 4500 to be on the high side.
Jp, what are your impressions of the ps x9?

They are asking considerably more than $4,500.... I need to reconsider. 


Yes... the same OLD question...any suggetions??

I am considering a balance ($12K with arm)

A Kuzma XL?? none currently available preowned. 

Thanks in advance, 
