Paradigm Persona series

I'm beginning to poke around and gather opinions and information about a "super speaker" to replace my aging Thiel 2.4s.  I like the idea of bass dsp room correction and I am a bit of a point source type imaging nut (thus the Thiels).  So among other choices I've been looking at the Paradigm Persona series specifically the powered 9H with room correction for the bass.  However I'm skeptical of the "lenses" i.e. pierced metal covers on the midrange and tweeter specifically because of Paradigm's claim that such screens "screen out" "out of phase" musical information.  The technology in the design seems superlative but I just can't get past the claim re out of phase information and the midrange and tweeter covers.  What could possibly be the science behind this claim?  It just seems like its putting a halloween moustache on the mona lisa given the fact that the company is generally a technology driven company.
Not at all.  A friend just got them for his center and 5F fronts.  They're super nice, and make no detectable difference in sound.  They're stupidly expensive, but definitely the nicest grilles I've ever seen/felt.
Yeah, it seems like at times, companies just charge what they’d like to get for products with no relation to their cost.

I think it’s a mistake all brands seem to make. Pricing things based on a nonsensical assumption that people will buy either way is a bad move. Consumers are smarter than that now, and it’s not hard to realize how much a product would realistically cost to make. There is no doubt that they are making a killing off the grills, but it’s still not nearly as bad as what people charge for cables — and that’s a highly praised purchase on here.
Lets look at the issue which you guys aren't factoring in which is dealer cost. The Grills cost $200 or so to make which means they cost Paradigm approx $100 each grill times 2 for a pair = a cost of $200 they are now going to mark them up to make a profit and then the dealer is going to mark them up to make a profit and boom you have expensive grills.

The Paradigm Grills for the Personas are really well made.

Builder you should leave on your electronics 24/7 one they will sound better and two they will last longer.  The inrush of current to an electronics device is what causes failure, there are radio stations using gear built 25 years ago that are still working due to this fact. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ