Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open.

I closed the cable and fuse thread because the trolls were making a mess of things. I hope they dont find me here.

I design Tube and Solid State power amps and preamps for Music Reference. I have a degree in Electrical Engineering, have trained my ears keenly to hear frequency response differences, distortion and pretty good at guessing SPL. Ive spent 40 years doing that as a tech, store owner, and designer.
Perhaps someone would like to ask a question about how one designs a successfull amplifier? What determines damping factor and what damping factor does besides damping the woofer. There is an entirely different, I feel better way to look at damping and call it Regulation , which is 1/damping.

I like to tell true stories of my experience with others in this industry.

I have started a school which you can visit at There you can see some of my presentations.

On YouTube go to the Music Reference channel to see how to design and build your own tube linestage. The series has over 200,000 views. You have to hit the video tab to see all.

I am not here to advertise for MR. Soon I will be making and posting more videos on YouTube. I don’t make any money off the videos, I just want to share knowledge and I hope others will share knowledge. Asking a good question is actually a display of your knowledge because you know enough to formulate a decent question.

Starting in January I plan to make these videos and post them on the HiFi school site and hosted on a new YouTube channel belonging to the school.

Why shouldn't decent tone controls, and maybe even loudness controls come back in fashion?
Fashion is the operative word.

In the recording studio, we had EQ of several flavors: Peak, Shelf, Parametric, Sub-Octave graphic. Various equalizers by Neve, API, Massenberg, UREI, etc. plus console module EQ by Trident, MCI, Neve, API, etc. plus mic 'EQ' for Neumann, AKG, Sony, Shure, etc. plus mic pre EQ from all the aforementioned and more. Each has its own characteristics and colorations to create the palette desired.

The problem with a 'generic' tone control on a HiFi is that 99% of the time, its not in the required frequency range and it's pure serendipity if the chosen frequencies align with source, recording, loudspeaker and room defects.

At our local venue, we have a small 32 channel mixer. EQ is digital and extremely flexible, incorporating most of the functionality of a whole rack of outboard EQ. It does not color tonality in the same manner as individual analog devices, which all add colorations along with level and phase changes. Sometimes a good thing, sometimes not.

I for one would love to have a couple channels built into my CD player that I could control with my phone. I could then save settings in CDP and it would recall them for each disk. A nice feature would be to save templates, e.g. "Sh.tty Columbia Remaster" for easy recall as generic corrections. A reasonable DAC with such flexibility might open my wallet in a heartbeat!

 Nelson Pass is now offering a kit version of his nice First Watt B4 active electronic x/o at an irresistible price.
I too would like a link to this kit, I can't find it anywhere???

Cheers George
I too would like a link to this kit, I can't find it anywhere

diyAudio Store has Pass's LX-Mini kit

It's not as flexible as the B4, but can be customized for user desired Fc and order
The talk I saw about the DIY kit version of the First watt B4 was maybe six months ago, on a Nelson Pass-related DIY Forum site. I’ve been looking through all my folders, but have yet to find it. I’ll keep looking, but a call to Pass Labs may get an answer.
Hi Rodger,

I’m still enjoying your Music Reference RM5 MK-III preamplifier. I think I bought it back in 1994 or there about’s. Still sounds amazing by the way. I was wondering what tubes would you recommend as replacements because I’m sure you have tried many over the years and have some favorites you could recommend.

Again Thanks!