Any one try the new Synergistic Research BLUE UEF Duplex receptacle?

Looking for comparsons to other high quality outlets.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xlak
Thank you for a great summary of the linage of many of the popular Audiophile outlets. This is most informative.

Both systems here are sounding very special with the additional Blue outlets.

I am sure Elizabeth is enjoying her system with the Furutech outlets.

These outlets are definitely worth trying.

David Pritchard 
Could someone please explain why a fuse or receptacle needs to break in? I'm thinking it has more to do with the return policy of these over-priced gimmicks. Just wait more than 30 days and it will sound amazing! And... the window to return will have passed. 

Also, the only job of the entire AC power feed is to supply voltage and current with minimal sag or reduction during transient demands of the highest power consumers in an audio system like amplifiers.

If I may suggest a far cheaper and much more effective method to improve sound quality. If you're reasonably handy and careful you can run a dedicated branch circuit from your power panel to feed your amplifier(s). This will result in much less droop in the voltage when amplifier demands are high. This will then result in better control of your speaker drivers. You may even notice that your house lights don't dim when you really crank up the volume. A nice side benefit.

I'll admit that I've fallen for the placebo effect a few times in my audio adventures. Caveat emptor and all that...
Post removed 

I completely agree. I wish I didn’t believe in break in and/or could not tell the difference. It sometimes goes through many changes - better, worse, then better again, etc. I wish it was placebo. It’s easy to blame it on placebo when one does not believe in break in or cannot tell the difference. Not much more to say - neither side will convince the other.
