50th Woodstock Anniversay Concert ; Michael Lang

I've been trying to plan for the 50th Woodstock activities but I've come to learn that there will be two separate events, totally unrelated to one another. First, the Woodstock Anniversary Concert which is the product of Michael Lang. This will be held at a location not yet disclosed but Michael Lang should make his announcement soon. Second, the Bethel, N.Y. Woodstock Museum and Pavilion, which will take place at the original 1969 location, formerly Max Yasgur's Farm.
Being somewhat sentimental, my heart leads me in the direction of the Bethel N.Y./ Yasgur spot but for the real party, I feel that I have to give the nod to Michael Lang. If one were to look at the original Bethel grounds site today, they would see that it is in no way capable of hosting a gigantic 50th Woodstock Concert Festival. And to be honest, Michael Lang has been the carrier of the Woodstock flame since his original 1969 event took place.
If both events happen at differing points in time, it may be possible to attend both. I'm however thinking that attending both might be cost prohibitive, not to mention getting someone to fill in for me at work for such a long stretch. Additionally, I can admit that I already have a degree of anxiety about allocating a bundle of cash within a small window of time in order to score the festival/concert tickets.
Any thoughts or news about this topic would be greatly appreciated.
mastercylinder, that's what people were saying about the original in 1969. To each there own but I don't believe it's doomed, rather the opposite.
bdp24, this is where Bob Dylan rehearsed and recorded? That is in Woodstock but Watkin's Glen is near Buffalo. 

@goofyfoot, I believe you are thinking of Big Pink, the house in Saugerties, NY (close to Woodstock) that three members of The Band rented and lived in throughout 1967 and into ’68. They rehearsed in the basement of that house, and made the legendary Basement Tape recordings with Dylan there in 1967. The Band entitled their 1968 debut album Music From Big Pink.

Levon Helms’ Barn is a different place, located in the town of Woodstock. The original barn on his property burned down, and when Levon rebuilt he did so as a recording studio/performance stage, where in house concerts are put on. Since his passing, the concerts have continued, sometimes lead by his former bandmember Larry Campbell. Campbell has also served in that role for Dylan, and has a fairly-recent album with his wife. Very talented guy.