processor that could serve as a good preamp

HI everybody
I wonder after how many years does processor start having troubles, like lost of channel, stop working, etc.

What's your personnal experience: which processor and after how many years did they start giving you trouble, if any?
Or maybe you have your processor since many years and they have been flawlessly since then.

It could give me a guidelide about which used processor to look for.
should I look, or stay away from Classe ssp-60, moon attraction 7.1, krell hts...

I don't really need hdmi, I can still connect my dvd's hdmi to the tv set.
My Oppo dvd player does have an HDMI output, and my tv set too.
Right now, finance does not permit high price processor with HDMI and I don,t want to go back to low end component for the sake of HDMI input-output. I suppose I will eventually, maybe in a few years, buy a blue-ray player. Wharn this happen finance will permit to buy whatever processor I wish, brand new ( no more car payment or mortgage.
Watching lcd tv ( not a 1080) and dvd,
listening to cd ( sometime) and vinyl.

I don't need a phono preamp, I already have a lehmann phono preamp.
It's ok if there's also a tuner, but I don't really care if it's there or not.

Other components:

simaudio amp
B&K reference 20 preamp (defective, no surround, only stereo. This is the one that would be replace. So it must be an upgrade, not a side step).
Oracle delphi 4 turntable, claraudio cartridge.
oppo dvd player (also used as a cd player).
Martin logan Vantage loudspeaker.

I'm interested in any suggestion that you can provide.
Thank you
I'd like to add a question to this forum. How many ANALOG multi-channel preamps are out there? I'd like to add 5.1 surround for DVD watching, but my main priority is playing records.
Not many, but the former head of Simm Audio has a newer line out and in that line there is an integrated six ch amp that is without digital processing... and all analog. It was well reviewed by Stereophile and one orther online mag. If I think of the name I'll post it here. 120wpc into 8o, I think.

Saw one here for sale a while back too.
I have a Cary Cinema 11. Issues like remote failure, LOUD popping sounds through the speakers when switching between digital inputs, volume control sticking, and headphone inpute malfunction all within the first 2.5 years add up to total buzz kill. Cary service failed to recognize any of the problems and refuses so far)to exchange the unit.

Despite all those issues, the official word from them (Cary service) after I sent it in for repair was "it tests problems." Got it back - same problems. BUT when it works, the 2ch analog clarity is outstanding. Given the incompetence of the service dept, I will not buy more Cary.
I have had the pleasure of owning quite a few higher end pre/pro's - as well as other hi-end gear - in my systems over the years. And I feel very fortunate as not to have run into any major problems, for the most part. with my own gear! (Knock onm wood)
However I have also sold lots of high end products through retail outlets during the same time and, while having to deal with custom service issues with clients products, and can say that many many hi-end companies producing the more essoteric products often tend to have customer service issues, to say the least! At least that's been my recollection.
My best guess is that many of these companies are likely started and run by more pationate audio/video techies, engineers, and creative - if reclusive - types. And, while they make some of the best performing and ambitious products in the market place for audio/videophiles, when it comes to CS, they can often tend to be a little "short" with customers, a little lacking in social graces, even putting service as a second priority!
I can remember many occasions, while dealing with customer's prieces and their issues, where the companies involved seemed to default this way! Of course it varies from company to company. But I can remember these scenarios like they were yesterday - thinking I'm sure glad my pieces aren't broken from these companies, because I would hate to have to deal with the "attitudes", the long delays in turn around for services issues, and even companies going out of business, etc, from these small "mom and pop" companies! - who otherwise make excellent technical products.
Yeah, the underlying tone and stance I can remember getting from many of these companies tended towards "we are better than you, and our products are beyond don't question us!". Also, they general lack a bit of caring and putting CS as a priority, on a large scale. However, they did, for the record, at least have a strong passionate conviction for building superior products, who's performance parameters excelled over the mass marketed producs. And, in some instances, you got a more intimate and immediate customer service experience from these smaller companies. And when you did, it was great from some, sure! So, I guess it can be a mixed bag.
I suppose you take your compromises, and hope for the best.