Q for any Luxman L-509X owners

For anyone with experience with the L-509X - does the "Separate" button work on your remote?

All of my remote buttons on the RA-17A remote are working except the Separate button - it doesn't work. I have to walk across the room to push the "Separate" button on the unit. 

Just wondering if I should contact Luxman about a replacement remote or if this is just the way it is?

Greginnh,  with Naim how did you hear it, with the crappy Naim speaker cables that the dealer was telling you was the only cable you can use and the crappy standard naim din to din cables that are given away freely with Naim?

We are a Naim dealer and we sell quite a number of high end brands, T+A, Micromega, Krell, NAD, Unison Research. Coda.

We love the Naim sound and a properly setup Naim reference stack will challenge many other very high end brands, we use Wireworld cabling inteconnects and speaker cable with Audioquest power cables and Naim gear sounds amazing, using the standard Naim cables you lose all the advantages that he gear can do for you. 

Most dealers use the very mediocre Naim speaker cable as the amp was designed to see a certain impedance load, we had naim make us custom adapters to enable us to use the Wireworld cabling with Naim and the sound is to die for.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Naim dealers
@audiotroy - LOL   Of course not!  All top of the line Audioquest cables and interconnects driving your beloved Persona 9H and KEF Blade 2.  Do you really think my retailer would be that stupid to mis-match components and cables?  It is rather presumptuous of you to assume this.  

Again - it did not sound better than my Luxman set up. 
Really Gregh aq does not make din to dln cables and most Naim retailors use nac 5 speaker cables as the impedance mismatch can be wrong.

This means Naim interconnects maybe other aq cables perhaps?

Naim cables suck,  which Naim components did you audition?

As per your comment on dealers knowing what they are doing  not necessarily. Naim is not your typical brand their higher end seperates run through specially designed din cables, also which power supply is used or not used and many retailors of Naim dont use power conditioners either with Naim. Naims own cables are not that good so to really gct Naim to perform is a bit more complex.

@audiotroy you sure like to argue.  Your initial comment also made reference to speaker cables.  Those were Audioquest Redwood.  

Sorry for mis-speaking on the interconnects.

Anyway, I have no desire to enter into a pissing contest with you - which seems to your preferred way to interact with many of us on this forum.