Beetle - thanks also from me for your steady, careful implementation, especially when backing out of blind allies.
You all may be interested to know that the 03, 03a/b, CS3, CS3.5 and CS2 had styrene micro bypass caps (0.01 and 0.015uF), similar to (but not as good as) the RTX bypasses. They were dropped @ CS2.2 and CS3.6 and onward. Those earlier models also used the French polypropylene Solens @ 400 volt and German polystyrene x tin foil 1uF, both best in world at the time. Those companies ceased making film, and replacement caps gradually became more ordinary. I suspect that some of the love for the CS3.5 might be attributable to those pristine caps and double bypasses.
In this project we are using best of form caps that exceed anything Thiel had ever used, including those described above. Thanks again to Beetle for making various controlled comparisons. I will be making more.
You all may be interested to know that the 03, 03a/b, CS3, CS3.5 and CS2 had styrene micro bypass caps (0.01 and 0.015uF), similar to (but not as good as) the RTX bypasses. They were dropped @ CS2.2 and CS3.6 and onward. Those earlier models also used the French polypropylene Solens @ 400 volt and German polystyrene x tin foil 1uF, both best in world at the time. Those companies ceased making film, and replacement caps gradually became more ordinary. I suspect that some of the love for the CS3.5 might be attributable to those pristine caps and double bypasses.
In this project we are using best of form caps that exceed anything Thiel had ever used, including those described above. Thanks again to Beetle for making various controlled comparisons. I will be making more.