Which area of components to spend the most $ on? Boy I was wrong all my life!

I have been an audio junkie for about 25 years. All those years, I have read plenty of discussion posts and recommendations where to spend the most money on. The majority, even the experts recommend to spend the most money on speakers. Up to as high as 60% of the total budget.Example: CEO of PS Audio-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwL7vPkPhg
I believed this all my life. Today, my eyes are opened. My total budget is about $15K.Before today, my system was:Speakers-Revel F36 Concerta 2 (For the money, this is the best speakers I’ve heard. I like it more than my previous Dynaudio Contour 30)Integrated Amp-Marantz PM-10 (Class D, balanced, 400wpc at 4ohms)CD Player-Oppo UDP 205 & Marantz CD 6005 (Some of the best in class)Line conditioner-Furman Elite PFi 15Cables-Kimber 8TC Speaker Cables (Sorry, not a cable nut. I’d rather spend money elsewhere)
I upgraded my front end CD player to... Marantz SA-11S3. I was BLOWN away! This is the greatest upgrade I have ever heard in my life. For 25 years, I was taught to spend the most in speakers. Sorry! It’s the FRONT END! The best source you can afford. The purity transcends down the river. I am blown away by the sheer improvement in detail, clarity, depth, the air around the instruments.
My philosophy has changed.
Just depends if you like a bunch of zeroes in front of your distortions or not.....

transducers always have more.....

just do the math
Post removed 
At the end of the day, the mix of components is constrained by the individual’s budget.

In my case, I fell in love with the sound of Maggies, ending up with 3.6s.  Now this choice led me along a path of finding the amp that matched to my ears.

My original choice Audio Research 150.2 ultimately was under powered at 300 wpc inro 4 ohms.  Decent sound, but lacking the current Maggies crave.  After a journey, I ended up with Mac 501s that bench trst about 750 wpc.  They make the mahhies sing.

Thus, my speaker choice drove the budget on the system by requiring more expensive power.

Believing in synergy, I opted for Mac C220 tube pre amp and am quite satisfied with the combination.

Using percentages, I am in for about 33% for speakers, 40 % for amps, 16% for pre amp, 13 % for CD player.

This just rough numbers and I bought the 501s and C220 used ten years ago.  Funny thing, they are worth more now than back then.

If I had high efficiency speakers, I could have saved a bundle on amps.  That distorts everything.

Yes, I have a DAC, and music server (2) and other toys, but I have described what I believe is the heart of my system to demonstrate one example of how the percentages can be driven by a aingular choice.  

Your choices will drive yours in a different manner, yet neither is a wrong choice.
tlong195880 posts01-15-2019 11:09amYou should spend most of your money on $600 magic mats and $150 vials of magic graphene goo to gunk up everything electrical in your house. That’s the ticket, yeah.
LOL Sounds like you speak from experience.I myself have never.
Who me? I never made mistakes like that. TWEEK TWEEK! 
To this day I still can't get my cable plugs to shine like the ol days.
I realize there should be some tarnish but black?

@whipsaw: Yes, the new CD player costs 8 times more than the older, but again check out the budget breakdown.
  • Contour 30 @$7500 + CD 5005 @$500=$8000
  • Concerta2 F36 @$2000 + SA11S3 @$4000=$6000.
Speakers are $5500 cheaper, $2000 cheaper combo, SO much better sound!