Which area of components to spend the most $ on? Boy I was wrong all my life!

I have been an audio junkie for about 25 years. All those years, I have read plenty of discussion posts and recommendations where to spend the most money on. The majority, even the experts recommend to spend the most money on speakers. Up to as high as 60% of the total budget.Example: CEO of PS Audio-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwL7vPkPhg
I believed this all my life. Today, my eyes are opened. My total budget is about $15K.Before today, my system was:Speakers-Revel F36 Concerta 2 (For the money, this is the best speakers I’ve heard. I like it more than my previous Dynaudio Contour 30)Integrated Amp-Marantz PM-10 (Class D, balanced, 400wpc at 4ohms)CD Player-Oppo UDP 205 & Marantz CD 6005 (Some of the best in class)Line conditioner-Furman Elite PFi 15Cables-Kimber 8TC Speaker Cables (Sorry, not a cable nut. I’d rather spend money elsewhere)
I upgraded my front end CD player to... Marantz SA-11S3. I was BLOWN away! This is the greatest upgrade I have ever heard in my life. For 25 years, I was taught to spend the most in speakers. Sorry! It’s the FRONT END! The best source you can afford. The purity transcends down the river. I am blown away by the sheer improvement in detail, clarity, depth, the air around the instruments.
My philosophy has changed.
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If I could hear them, they still would be. So, that aspect changed my consideration for sound preference.

@4krow  What you raise is interesting and may be valuable as a stand-alone thread.

Something along the lines of "how our gear selection changes over time due to hearing and other age related changes" ... since your post (above) touches on this, maybe you can start a thread? Thanks.
In some sense, looking at this issue from a pure monetary standpoint or percentages, can be misleading.  There are plenty of overpriced components and ancillaries that can throw off the margins quite a bit.  Quality can be found at various price points, while finding the right synergy between components and the environment will always be the most elusive part of this pastime!  
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Case in point...I was looking for a bit more clarity and presence from my system , but I was not going down the rabbit hole again for the 100th time!  Been burned big time on some of my costlier cable solutions in the past, so this time I set my sites on value, quality and good design.  I looked around quite a bit and came across the new Audioquest Water XLR Interconnects. Based on some reviews they sounded like what I needed.  Coincidentally, there was a new pair for sale on Agon for just over $300....list is like $549 or more depending on length of course.  I’m running them in now and have found them to be amazingly full, warm and clear with great dynamic swing.  Highs sound cleaner without loosing the bottom end weight of my MIT’s.  Midrange is a bit livelier and expressive as well.  A really world class Interconnect for a steal, even at list price.  I’ve had $12k interconnects that were honestly not any better, and lots of $4k - $6k offerings that were worse!