Are high sample rates making your music sound worse?


371 posts
This poster is an example of people who JUST DO NOT LISTEN, either to music or other people. I am surprised anyone has risen to such a nonsense debate to continue his moronic thoughts. A highly skilled engineer of mine built an amp for me that has exactly the same measurements as another Bryston amp I had. Did it sound the same? Of course not ... Hang on, it must be my ears that are faulty! And the poster should buy better equipment before labelling ALL equipment the  same. Seems he has less quality equipment to match his inferior thoughts.
Playback Design Up-samples everything to DSD then sends it to the analog section of the DAC, this applies to any file format.
If a DSD disc sounds better than disc X who cares whether it’s because of the DSD per se or because of a better mastering job? Hel-loo!
mzkmxcv This poster is an example of people who JUST DO NOT LISTEN, either to music or other people. 
Quite so, as he admits:
You don’t even need measurement gear, all you need is a program that loads the two digital files and shows you the difference between them

I highly doubt it has the exact same measurements, meaning a full suite, not just frequency reponse and wattage. Even a high end brand like Mark Levinson cannot make the exact same amp, they all have minuscule deviations.

I listen, and I’ve never heard a difference with going to 24Bit or changing speaker wires (well, I admit nothing fancy like $5000 cables). Now, if you hear a difference, whose right? Well, since simple math and measurements shows that we shouldn’t hear a difference, I would argue I am.

All I get are responses like yours, and never any actual responses to my questions. If you think 192kHz is audibly different to 44.1kHz, I’d think you to explain why, when I bet you can’t even hear up to 19kHz.


Again, so are you saying when the audio in the digital file is the same they still sound different? As that’s what I’m talking about, compare the audio <20kHz for a 44.1 and a 192 file, and no differences will exist above -100dBFS.