Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
stevecham - I’m pretty sure you’ll find the following paragraph of interest. Yes, PWB in Leeds is of some concern. 😛

“While the term radiometer can refer to any device that measures electromagnetic radiation (e.g. light), the term is often used to refer specifically to a Crookes radiometer ("light-mill"), a device invented in 1873 in which a rotor (having vanes which are dark on one side, and light on the other) in a partial vacuum spins when exposed to light. A common belief (one originally held even by Crookes) is that the momentum of the absorbed light on the black faces makes the radiometer operate. If this were true however, the radiometer would spin away from the non-black faces, since the photons bouncing off those faces impart more momentum than the photons absorbed on the black faces. Photons do exert radiation pressure on the faces, but those forces are dwarfed by other effects. The currently accepted explanation depends on having just the right degree of vacuum, and relates to the transfer of heat rather than the direct effect of photons. [2][3]

Also, If photons had mass they couldn’t travel at the speed of light.

I have no opinion of these products. None at all. I am simply laughing my a$$ off.

And Geoff, what is heat?
You might be laughing but not about the mass of photons, I reckon. He who laughs last laughs best. 😆
Who said something with mass can’t travel at relativistic velocities? Ever heard of the big bang?

In fact, photons push, otherwise, you wouldn't be able to see what I'm writing.
Yeah, the Big Bang. Ha ha! That expansion period lasted for what, a pico second? Sorry, that’s not a very good example. All mass in the current universe, the one that counts, is subject to the Einstein Lorentz equations. Current physics doesn’t apply to the Big Bang expansion.