Line Magnetic quality

Here we go again…



I have had my eyes on Line Magnetic Audio for some time, but a friend of mine says that I should stay away from hi-fi and hi-end made in china because they have bad luck when it comes to quality and that they sound bad.

I tell him that I have heard otherwise and that people really like the sound of the LM amplifiers.

So Line Magnetic owners, what do you say? Is he right or is he wrong?


By the way; has anyone been listening to LM34AI?

Funny... every once in awhile you get these ignorant trolls (invictusidiot) who make comments to incite or inflame others. They are like little children throwing temper tamptrums.
@invictus005 - " Chinese garbage. "
You don't know what you're talking about, plain and simple
I agree with Line Magnetic being good value.Anyone giving there view should add which speaker is used? I deal through the Singapore dealer 230V and get him to run in a few hours and do any obvious mods before shipping to me.Point to Point wiring is not cheap in any country and parts used are built to a price.You can always make these Amps better with upgrade parts and tubes. Anyone interested in hearing the Best Line Magnetic Tube Horn system they have hired the Big room at this years Guangzhou Show and worth going just to see this.. (China) Guangzhou AV Fair 2019 December 6-8.