Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.

Hello All,
I’m coming up on 40 yrs in this hobby,and or obsession of ours,and I started with a pair of Khorns and Macintosh at the age of 12 and Offcourse owned a ton of different gear over the yrs.
I bought a 2170 a little more than 6 months ago and I enjoyed it so much that I quickly realized I don’t really need anything else,solid state,tubes,or even dac’s anymore.I could step off that silly merry go round of amplification and just enjoy music.I was able to utilize the extra money and time and put together a really great sounding network audio system that rivaled the best in analog that I have ever had,I was mainly a analog guy all of these yrs but finally gave it up,I even sold my longtime record collection of 3k records which included many Hot Stampers that I purchased and also several that I found on my own.

So who Luv’s the 2170 and is maybe also thinking about the new 3400.

Happy Listening,

If anyone is interested on Lyngdorf's feedback to my question. Here it is:

1. If I were to use the XLR analog output of the 3400 and then input the analog signal to a external amplifier, would I be loosing out on the capabilities of the 3400. I under stand I would lose out on the 3400 amplification but what about the ROOM PERFECT sound quality. Would I degrade the capabilities of ROOM PERFECT by using an external analog amp? I would turn off sub-woofer output on the 3400. I demoed the system this way (but without RP) and it sounded good. I am going back for a RP demo in a short while.

Answer: "you can set the outputs freely, RoomPerfect just needs a full stereo playback for its calibration "

I also asked them if a slim speaker worked best with RoomPerfect. I either read that somewhere or someone told me the urban audio legend. 

Answer:; "we have never heard of any comments as to slim front profiles being better"

Sounds like I can buy the 3400 confident an external amp will also work with RoomPerfect. 
Yes you can use an external amp with room perfect.  You would need to run a second room perfect analysis for the combo and store as a second.  You can also run room perfect with the 3400’s amp and save that and compare over time.  
Hello from Hong Kong! I m one of the happy owners of 3400. I am using Siltech 770 L to connect the amp to the Atc scm40 speakers. It sounds great, pin point imaging with grwat detail. However,i found the sound a bit harsh and analytical , lacking the warmth vocal that I missed a lot on my Naim and Mcintosh gear. My question is can anyone reccommend a good match. Speaker cables for my setup. Thanks. 
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