Jea, Your point is fairly taken. However, there is some "science" around power cords and interconnects, to name just two elements. Power cords may be heavy enough in gauge to transfer the current needed by the component, or not. They may be shielded, or not. They may be configured so as to be capacitative and/or inductive to one degree or another, and there are some known ways in which these properties could affect sound. Likewise for ICs, if you delete the bit about current carrying. Plus, as you suggest, I rely upon personal experience and the reports of a few trusted sources as regards these and some other ancillaries. But in the case of the SR AC outlets, we have.... what? What is there about a black AC outlet that would make it sound different from a blue or a red one? (Obviously, there could be differences that I don't know about, but why doesn't SR tell me about them, is my point?)