Not trying to start a war, but below is my experience with Esotar after owning EA1, Extrema, Dynaudio C5, Merlin VSM, and Guarneri Homage for 10+ years combined.
Esotar is great at producing inner harmonic, it employs large amount of ferrorfluid to cool the coil because it was invented for professional application 20+ years ago to play at insane volume for long period of time. This results in slower movement that masks out micro dyanmic/detail and extension. However, you do gain a bit more "body" if you will, it tilts the freq spectrum a bit lower and almost sounds like a 1.5" midrange dome that turns violin into viola. It's very pleasant to listen to, I was so in love with the sound I went out of my way to find the best Esotar speakers money can buy. If you like that kind of sound, I suggest Dynaudio Confidence 5, though no longer in production, it produces "body" like no other speakers and I even bought the very last pair of new C5 from Dynaudio. Same goes for ATC, people love ATC midrange dome for the same reason, body and warmth.
But if you compare live music to Esotar, you will notice something is missing. To be specific, air, transparency, "sparkle", and extension. Even the old Revelator has much more inner detail and micro dynamic than Esotar, I was shocked at how much I was missing when I looked outside of Esotar 8 years ago. Ring Radiator is a big step up from the old Revelator and redefines dome tweeter. It took me years to accept the short coming of Estoar and learn to listen to neutrality, I own several pairs of speakers now with tweeter from Ring Radiator, Raven R2, line arrange ribbon, Berrilym dome, and eletrostatic. Any of the above sounds more neutral than old Estoar, technology has really advanced in the past 20+ years Memento simply sounds more "real" than Homage.
Another technical info you might find interesting is the difference between Esotar and Esotar 2. For Dynaudio to stay competitive with many tweeters going well above 20k Hz, they decided to reduce the rear chamber, reduce the coil weight, and reduce ferrorfluid to extend higher. What you get is a faster sounding tweeter that does extend higher (though still not nearly as high as Ring Radiator) at the expense of higher roll-off freq at the low end. This was a compromise Dynaudio could live with since 95% of Esotar 2 were installed in 3-way speakers and tweeter did not have to go very low. As a result, Merlin VSM decided to stay with old Esotar since it's a 2-way design and the Scanspeak woofer simply could not go up that high.
I am also a believer one should enjoy his/her stereo even if the sound is far from neutral. So if Guarneri Homage floats your boat, just close your eyes (and mind) and enjoy your music. On the other hand, if you want neutrality and live music dynamic, you won't find them in Guarneri Homage.
Esotar is great at producing inner harmonic, it employs large amount of ferrorfluid to cool the coil because it was invented for professional application 20+ years ago to play at insane volume for long period of time. This results in slower movement that masks out micro dyanmic/detail and extension. However, you do gain a bit more "body" if you will, it tilts the freq spectrum a bit lower and almost sounds like a 1.5" midrange dome that turns violin into viola. It's very pleasant to listen to, I was so in love with the sound I went out of my way to find the best Esotar speakers money can buy. If you like that kind of sound, I suggest Dynaudio Confidence 5, though no longer in production, it produces "body" like no other speakers and I even bought the very last pair of new C5 from Dynaudio. Same goes for ATC, people love ATC midrange dome for the same reason, body and warmth.
But if you compare live music to Esotar, you will notice something is missing. To be specific, air, transparency, "sparkle", and extension. Even the old Revelator has much more inner detail and micro dynamic than Esotar, I was shocked at how much I was missing when I looked outside of Esotar 8 years ago. Ring Radiator is a big step up from the old Revelator and redefines dome tweeter. It took me years to accept the short coming of Estoar and learn to listen to neutrality, I own several pairs of speakers now with tweeter from Ring Radiator, Raven R2, line arrange ribbon, Berrilym dome, and eletrostatic. Any of the above sounds more neutral than old Estoar, technology has really advanced in the past 20+ years Memento simply sounds more "real" than Homage.
Another technical info you might find interesting is the difference between Esotar and Esotar 2. For Dynaudio to stay competitive with many tweeters going well above 20k Hz, they decided to reduce the rear chamber, reduce the coil weight, and reduce ferrorfluid to extend higher. What you get is a faster sounding tweeter that does extend higher (though still not nearly as high as Ring Radiator) at the expense of higher roll-off freq at the low end. This was a compromise Dynaudio could live with since 95% of Esotar 2 were installed in 3-way speakers and tweeter did not have to go very low. As a result, Merlin VSM decided to stay with old Esotar since it's a 2-way design and the Scanspeak woofer simply could not go up that high.
I am also a believer one should enjoy his/her stereo even if the sound is far from neutral. So if Guarneri Homage floats your boat, just close your eyes (and mind) and enjoy your music. On the other hand, if you want neutrality and live music dynamic, you won't find them in Guarneri Homage.