mrdon are you looking for a server or a streamer?
The Naim Ndx 2 oor a 555 are expensive streaming dacs, the NDX is $7500 for example. The Lumin D2 is excellent but it also includes a dac while the U1 does not.
The Aurender and Innuous products are mostly streamers, although the Innuous Mini has analog outputs and the Aurender A1 has its own built in dac.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
The Naim Ndx 2 oor a 555 are expensive streaming dacs, the NDX is $7500 for example. The Lumin D2 is excellent but it also includes a dac while the U1 does not.
The Aurender and Innuous products are mostly streamers, although the Innuous Mini has analog outputs and the Aurender A1 has its own built in dac.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ