@barnettk: I tried what you suggested upon reading your original post, and it immediately plugged up my left ear! I should have read the rest of your and other contributors’ posts before trying it. Now, if I gently occlude my ear canals with the soft pads of my thumbs, I hear a persistent low rumbling sound. Removing my thumbs one at a time, the rumbling is only in my left ear. I might say, "Thanks a lot, friend!", but it’s on me for being a suggestible idiot. Your further posts were all outstanding.
@markmendenhall, @pjcoughter, @erik_squires, @jrpnde, and others: Thank you for your contributions to this discussion. The Wikipedia blurb on the valsalva maneuver shows someone doing it while puffing out his cheeks, which acts as a natural deterrent to overdoing it. (Those of us using Mac computers can highlight a word like valsalva and right click to get a definition and illustration from Wikipedia without leaving this page.)
@geoffkait I remember your "Ortho Ears," which were written up in Stereophile if I recall correctly, for listening to live symphonic music performances after spending the day wearing earplugs. Except for invoking a few giggles from players in the violin section of the orchestra, the combination of a day of protection followed by wearing Ortho Ears to the concert produced a vivid and most enjoyable listening experience for the writer.
I had severe doubts about the brain-eating amoeba story, but unless USA Today has taken to spoofing itself, it’s an extremely rare but possible occurrence.
Speaking of ear protection, I got a notice yesterday from B&H that the MP•9-15 Music•PRO Electronic Earplugs for Musicians from Etymotic Research are temporarily on sale for $40 off their usual price of $299. I’ve been wanting to try them for awhile, primarily to protect my ears during the day before doing some critical listening in the evening. Be sure to pick up a supply of #10 hearing aid batteries as well if you decide to try them.
I sure hope my left ear clears up on its own soon!
With kind regards,
Mark H.