Buy 12ax7 tube

Hi im searching for best vacuum tube in low distortion and accurate sound up to 40$/each
For my vincent 226 mk2

I can buy raytheons black plate and rca black plate and genalex gold lion are they any good or you have some more options?!

Thanks in advance

Agree with @roberjerman on all points. Your noise floor may be too high and your choice of music is not reference quality. Also agree to try using a well recorded symphony to help tweak your system. A revealing setup will present layers of instruments with detail and separation between.

It may not be the fault of your amp, but you need to use low-noise tested tubes. Face the fact that it will cost you more than $40 each. Out of your list the Raytheon may be the most revealing, but testing for noise and microphonics is a must.
  Telefunken or Siemens are really the way to go for transparency and low noise. Andy at Vintage Tube Services sells very low noise tubes, but only takes phone calls for orders. You tell him what you're looking for and your budget.

The noise floor is also affected by dirty power in your AC line. With the volume up and no music playing can you hear any noise or low-level hum thru your speakers?

Well recorded song are very good in my system!
What is ac line?
Low or high volume isnt effect much to the level  of noise(im not sure i should test it),i can hear the noise if i stop the music
Maybe a power filter can help me more than new tubes?!
I read in my dac guide that if i connect directly to a power socket it will have a better sound quality
But im using and old and cheap electric tee for my amp and dac
Maybe the power is the problem?!
Can you hear noise (with no music) from your listening position or only up close to the speaker? It could easily be noise from tubes, but your power setup is far from optimal.

 You should use a quality power strip or a strip with power conditioning, not a multi-plug. It's like you're choking the flow of  electricity (AC) going to your system.

In addition to the Vincent, what are your components?