Highest BUILD quality tube amps?

Not so much with sound...lots of ways to fine tune thru tube rolling, etc. I'm just curious which tube amps are built to last for many years with the least amount of repairs. I know Mcintosh comes to mind for longevity. I was snooping around on the web and Air Tight seems to be built like a tank and I've never read any poor repair histories. Luxman same thing. Any others come to mind?
VAC...point-to-point wired, great customer service, Kevin Hayes replies to even the smallest queries. ARC does that too but only takes a long while to get replies back and perhaps a bit let down by the dealer support. 
Always had great experiences with Audio Research!!! Built like tanks! Also have a tuned Manley phon pre-amp.... Solid as well!
Shindo (velvet sound, low power speakers, expensive) BAT (expensive and gobs of power) Line Magnetic Audio (great budget) Border Patrol (low power speakers, horns) and Decware (great reputation) and ARC (quality and name recognition) 
As far as build quality and attention to detail - Canary Audio is absolute top of the list.  Polk finally we agree on something :-)

Good Listening
