Generalizations about horn systems tend to short-change models that are exceptions to the "rules", and in high-end audio it is the exceptions that are usually the most interesting.
I started out with as strong a prejudice against horns as you'd ever be likely to find. Over the years my perception has changed (with John Wolff's designs acting as the catalyst), and I now believe that the downsides can be overcome while the upsides offer worthwhile improvements, particularly in radiation pattern uniformity and dynamic contrast.
Recently I received an e-mail from a manufacturer of high-end solid state components, and referring to a horn system he said this: "I have not heard speakers that were more 'relaxing'. Honestly they were so damn smooth."
I have every reason to believe Macrojack's perception of his horn system, as I'm somewhat familiar with the work of its designer and he certainly qualifies as "exceptional".
I started out with as strong a prejudice against horns as you'd ever be likely to find. Over the years my perception has changed (with John Wolff's designs acting as the catalyst), and I now believe that the downsides can be overcome while the upsides offer worthwhile improvements, particularly in radiation pattern uniformity and dynamic contrast.
Recently I received an e-mail from a manufacturer of high-end solid state components, and referring to a horn system he said this: "I have not heard speakers that were more 'relaxing'. Honestly they were so damn smooth."
I have every reason to believe Macrojack's perception of his horn system, as I'm somewhat familiar with the work of its designer and he certainly qualifies as "exceptional".