Upgrade? Luxman M-900u and C-900u from Pass X250.8 - Simaudio Evolution P-8

I am thinking about trading my Pass Labs X250.8 amp and Simaudio Moon Evolution P-8 Preamp

Luxman M-900u and C-900u

I was looking at new ARC REF 6 and used Pass Labs X350.8 but the dealer swears for same money he can get me this Luxman combo brand new and it will be much better? He has never mislead me in the past.

What do you guys think?

I will be using with brand new Magico S5 MK II that are being delivered this week. I don't listen real loud and also use Bricasti M1SE DAC and Kubala-Sosna Emotion/Elation Full Cable Loom.

Please anyone that knows or has an option please let me know your thoughts.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
Those are some serious other pre's you tried. That buttresses what other have told me. They have said it is a legit reference level product that competes with the real big money crowd? Your feedback is appreciated. How is the resolution and transparency? I am looking for next level stuff in this regard.
IMHO the Lux pre is utterly transparent with excellent fine detail and fully extended on top and bottom. It’s also very smooth which doesn’t always go with ‘detail’. Very spacious sounding as well. I will say that although highly musical and sweet it’s not soft and warm as some might think. I’m no reviewer but i definitely know good when i hear it. 
I have owned the 509x and now own the C900 U, M900 U (pair in Mono Config). I originally paired the 509x with Focal Sopra N. 2 and it was okay. I like to listen on the loud side and I didn't feel that I could really push it and feel the music move in the room. It was crystal clear but just no weight. I then went to the C and M combo and the Sopra N. 2 became a whole new animal. I don't think you can go wrong with either one depending on your listening style and room size. Both play music beautifully. I do think the 509x is one of the best looking products on the market to boot. 
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How is that XP22? I see one popped on the gon yesterday but sort of pricey at $7700? Is that a good price? I was thinking $6k more in line but not sure. I am leaning toward the Lux combo but the X250.8 and XP22 might be a cool and much cheaper option :)