John Peel (the most important British DJ of all time) had a small section of his late evening show called "The Pig's Big 78" ("The Pig" being his affectionate name for his wife who enjoyed original 78s).I heard live, at the time, first-hand - so I can swear this is TRUE...
Anyway, he first played a Paramount Skip James track that had been respectfully (and professionally) mastered on a proper re-issue label.He then said something like "OK, that was the CD, but *I* have an original copy - which I know is worth a LOT* of money - here it is..."
* No kidding. The last Skip James original Paramount I know of sold for "over $10,000" in early 2000's (closer to $20k I suspect).
The point here was that the original was UNBELIEVABLY natural and clear and simply "alive". It blew away the (well made) CD master.I noticed this instantly.
It was like Skip was literally singing right there in my room, so present. John Peel commented also on this. How amazing the original sounded over the CD and many, many, many people wrote in saying they could not believe how much better the 78 sounded. No-one knew why.
Something to be said in favour of that long-forgotten medium perhaps?
I still wonder why it sounded so much better than the CD ... but it DID, please believe me. Peel says he had same experience on many other 78s.