Dragon, RX-505 or DR-2 ?

I have the chance to get one of the 3 decks mentioned. 

The Dragon works but the NAAC is slightly out of line, it’s an early serial number which I understand can mean an expensive service. The sales price is of course the highest!
The RX-505 works as expected, just never serviced and is being offered at half the price of the Dragon. 
The DR-2 is near mint and hardly used and is priced between the Dragon and the RX-505. 

Which one one would you choose?

Dragon is a definitive machine with unrivaled performances for other decks.
If you do not intend to use it intensively, do not buy it and fold it on one of the other two decks; it would be like having a Ferrari and using it a couple of weekends a month  ihmo
best-groove, Most Ferrari owners use their cars only a few weekends per month, if that often.  Did you see a high mileage used Ferrari?  So, perhaps the analogy is not apt.
mmmm I am of the opinion that things should be used not left to take the muffins. lol
Buying the RX-505 was a good choice, especially at that price. If you decide that cassettes are your thing, you can always move up to a Dragon if you need what it offers. I’m betting you will be happy with your purchase. When I bought my RX-505, the seller had a Dragon for sale but it was almost twice the price and didn’t sound as clear as the RX-505. I believe it was out of alignment. I have never regretted my decision, and the RX-505 is still in my collection.
Each Dragon that i’ve seen before sold for over $1.5k
I love cassettes (good memories of the 90s). I wish to find the Nac deck, but i think $1.5k + service is  too much for a cassettes heaven.