4krow65 posts01-23-2019 3:17pm
And round and round we go. It’s this, it’s that, believe me. You made a simple case for me anyway. You took the unit to 3 different houses miles apart from each other with the same humming result. What more has to said? Defective unit, no?
He took the amp to 2 other houses, not 3, and it buzzed. Was it as loud as it was in his home? I don’t remember if the OP said.
He took the amp to the dealer where he bought it. It was put on a bench in the service department, plugged in, turned on, and no buzz. The OP said it was quiet.
Defective equipment? No. McIntosh was just too tight to incorporated a DC blocker in the unit. Like I said in an earlier post I bet the design engineer designed it using a DC blocker.