WTL tonearm normally goes well with Dynavector cartridges, but those cartridges have relatively high compliance for MC. They are also LOMC (low output), but 23RS MR or 17DS can be found for $500, for this price they are absolutely amazing.
If you’re looking for High Output MC then it’s a waste of time, you’d better upgrade phono stage to use LOMC or just find MM/MI/MF
Usual suspests: Victor X-1IIe, Audio-Technica AT-ML150, Glanz MFG-610LX and if you will check WTL toneam effective mass you can maybe use some high-ish compliance Pickering 3000 or Stanton 881.
Looking for neutral cartridge see what’s been using by Doug Sax for mastering as absolute neutrality.
Make sure to check the brand new Garrott P77i
Actually with $500 you’d be better with MM or MI for sure, especially those kings from the pinnacle of MM
Denon 103 is a garbage, i’m wondering how many times people with mention this 60s design with conical stylus in 2019? A bit of search about diamonds profiles will help to understand that conical tip must be avoided in the modern world, we have so much better profiles available from almost any manufacturer.
If you’re looking for High Output MC then it’s a waste of time, you’d better upgrade phono stage to use LOMC or just find MM/MI/MF
Usual suspests: Victor X-1IIe, Audio-Technica AT-ML150, Glanz MFG-610LX and if you will check WTL toneam effective mass you can maybe use some high-ish compliance Pickering 3000 or Stanton 881.
Looking for neutral cartridge see what’s been using by Doug Sax for mastering as absolute neutrality.
Make sure to check the brand new Garrott P77i
Actually with $500 you’d be better with MM or MI for sure, especially those kings from the pinnacle of MM
Denon 103 is a garbage, i’m wondering how many times people with mention this 60s design with conical stylus in 2019? A bit of search about diamonds profiles will help to understand that conical tip must be avoided in the modern world, we have so much better profiles available from almost any manufacturer.