CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl

No comparison, CD always sounds so cold and gritty. Vinyl is so much warmer, smoother and has better imaging and much greater depth of sound. It’s like watching the world go by through a dirty window pane when listening to a CD. Put the same LP on the turntable and Voila! Everything takes on more vibrancy, fullness and texture. 
@audioman58, were you trying to make a point in your post? If so, it was lost in the gibberish and half-wit suggestive innuendo. By the way, saying that vinyl is 12-bit is insane. You do know that it’s analog don’t you? 
Hello Sleepwalker 65 ,the gibberish is a fact , even though it is a different format the max for a record is just over 12 bits .
just look up what a bit is , educate yourself .
your system is Waay outdated. You are still back in the stone age 
as far as Audio capabilities.yes sometimes the truth can be painful.
go to Any quality store and you will see, maybe for the first time
your $500 CD player is as basic as it gets You get what you pay for !!
I wondered what the hell that 12 bit record thing was about. My brainpan was flopping.
Dear @sleepwalker65  : I can't agree with you but I hope you can agree with this.  Please read it with an " open mind " and for a " minute " forgeret about LPs and forgeret of what you are accustomed to listen in your room/system:

I like both formats.
