cartridge recommendation

the cantilever of my benz micro  MC2OE2 cartridge broke recently.
benz micro offered me kind of repair discount for another cartridge, like mc gold or other.
i'm not sure if this is the one i'll go on.
looking for one up to 500 $.
naturality of sound is very important to me, can't stand coloration.
think i need kind of high output 1-2 mv. ( i'm working with an integrated amp with build in phono stage).
have some names that was given me, but i'm open to others:
Benz Micro MC Gold/silver, LP Gear Bin 215, LP Gear Bin 323, Hana EH, Audio technica AT-OC9, DL103.
my turntable and arm are WELL TEMPERED.  

i’m not sure you can get those cartridges like the stanton today.
when you talk about "AT-ML150 with MicroLine stylus"
you mean something like this?

You can get every cartridge from cartridge collectors on audiogon, including some extremely rare units, people even swap cartridges from their collections, but it’s a private deals. I have owned each cartridge from my recommended list, how do you think i got them? Stanton or Pickering are not the rarest, but the condition is important. I am not that old as many audiogonners who bought them when the price was low 10-20 years ago, but it’s still possible to buys nice vintage MM cartridges even in NOS condition (that’s my main interest). I am trying to document each cartridge from my collection, you can check my pictures below:

Stanton 881s (Alluminum cantilever / Nude Stereohedron stylus tip)
AT-ML150 (Beryllium cantilever / MicroLine tip )
Victor X-1IIe (Titanium Cantilever / Elliptical tip)
Grace LEVEL II BR/MR (Boron Cantilever / Micro Ridge tip) - this one is very rare
ADC TRX II MI ( Sapphire cantilever and Vital II )
AT-ML180 (Gold Plated Boron Cantilever / MicroLine tip) - also extremely rare
AT-ML170 (Gold Plated Boron / MicroLine tip)
AT-20SLa - also killer MM
Glanz Moving Flux cartridges - on of them is the rarest 61 model
Victor X-1II (Beryllium / Shibata)

I have a Soundsmith Carmen mk2 and it is a great sounding cartridge. Many Soundsmiths are available at fabulous prices as the line has been redesigned.
For $350 the Platinum Reference (4.8mv) or the Platinum Statement (1mv). BTW, the Needle Doctor will give you a refund in case you are not pleased with the purchase!