The best horn I have heard to date, which has just been solidly reiterated by me recently been listening to my Impulse H1's (Aspara Acoustics same people)for the first time in over 4 years, it has just dawned on what I have been missing for these past years whilst living and loving the US, my usual speakers Oris 150's are good speakers, but not a patch on the H1's in terms of everything with the exception of bass depth.
Having heard the Acapella's, Classic Audio T's etc, none are as musically involving as my long time departed H1's.
So when I head back to the US they will be shipped over for sure, whatever the cost. Sorry for ranting on, but in horn terms from what I have heard they are the mutts nuts, and are comparable musically (deep breath, hand on heart) with any speaker at any price that I have heard and possibly musically streets ahead of many.
Only from what I have heard and am now hearing with my ears again folks. Sheer bliss.
In my personal case its 'not horns?, why'?