Can’t say as I had. Then again, I’d expect whatever voltage was getting into the system, to follow the path of least resistance. Even with an inductor(as opposed to a cap), the woofer would be the first victim and(if playing music at the moment) the caps in the crossover, would already be charged/blocking. My home systems(even the 8", 2 way) were all warranted to handle 356 Watts(peak program). Far as clipping, I twisted the cathodes of a couple Zeners(voltage chosen according to the particular tweeter) together, stuck them in a TO-39 heatsink, and hot-melt-glued them on the crossover board, across the tweeter leads. The only condition in the warranty: If the glue was melted out of the sink, they only got the first tweeter free, along with a verbal treatise on amplifier clipping(sold a few Haflers that way). Only ever had to warranty one pair. Replaced LOTS of other brands’ tweeters for the many college students, in that area and installed/sold lots of those little protection devices. As a result, I regained my love/passion for college parties. What sucked was having just put down $30K, on a $130K building(land contract), one month b4 the sinkhole. You’d have to remember the economy, and how hard it was to get a commercial loan, back in 1980. NO banks were doing it(in Florida, anyway) and $30K was a lot more money, back then. I was always in the Black, b4 that. Again: Sorry to the OP, for the hijacking!