DeoxIT on tube pins

I remember reading that this is not to be done & only a comprehensive clean using fine grit paper.

What's the general consensus?

As stated in a post above, just plug in/out a few times.  The risk/reward of contact cleaners isn't worth any potential sonic improvement.
Some basic contact cleaner that quickly evaporates without residue (unlike DeOxit) should be safe. I’d spray it on the Magic Eraser pad and then dip the pins. Note that you don’t need a near-mirror finish on the pins like you find with new-production tubes. Just clean them until they no longer appear dull. The further abrasion from installation in the tube sockets will make for a very sufficient contact.
Deoxit is more than a cleaner. It “conditions” the metal surfaces. The problem is folks sometimes don’t wipe it off sufficiently after applying. Or are too aggressive in the application. Also, these cleaners and conditioners are nice but real contact enhances are head and shoulders above them, you know, the silver bearing stuff and graphene. The best bang for the buck is clean all contacts in the house with alcohol. Put your backs into, boys!
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I have only ever used a simple soft erarser to clean the pins. Simply push the pins into the eraser a couple times . You can see the black it leaves behind and inserting them back in snug sockets will finish a clean contact. Pencils with eraser tips work well on the smaller pins . No need for chemicals or especially risking sanding off, or through plating either. Seams more like seeking a problem or creating one than needing a solution.