prez, I think you are bit off base.
Assuming you aren't trying to draw so much current that the supply voltage sags then the max power is determined by the voltage rails. If you parallel two amps you get the same maximum voltage before clipping. If you get the same maximum voltage you get the same maximum power.
Two 75 watt amps with a given gain in parallel is a 75 watt amp with the same gain but capable of delivering more current into a low impedance load so it won't sag and clip as easily. Now that might explain why it sounds better.
Interesting theory but again, a little off base. You think if multiple drivers have different distortions that will add up to less distortion? You can't average out distortions.
A + B + C + D + E + F is less than A ??? I don't think so.
Now if you told me that 6 would distort less because each is working 1/6 as much therefore distorting much less then I would go for that.
I hate to be blunt but if you don't understand some of these basic concepts it kind of puts your other conclusions into question.
Bridging and paralleling are two very different things. Bridging effects the voltage. Parallel does so with the current. If a design can allow for paralleling you double the current thus doubling the wattage.
Assuming you aren't trying to draw so much current that the supply voltage sags then the max power is determined by the voltage rails. If you parallel two amps you get the same maximum voltage before clipping. If you get the same maximum voltage you get the same maximum power.
Two 75 watt amps with a given gain in parallel is a 75 watt amp with the same gain but capable of delivering more current into a low impedance load so it won't sag and clip as easily. Now that might explain why it sounds better.
a serious argument could be made that it is better to use 6 individual drivers to achieve the same sensitivity of just one and a huge horn due to the way the 6 different ones will average out their non-linearities.
Interesting theory but again, a little off base. You think if multiple drivers have different distortions that will add up to less distortion? You can't average out distortions.
A + B + C + D + E + F is less than A ??? I don't think so.
Now if you told me that 6 would distort less because each is working 1/6 as much therefore distorting much less then I would go for that.
I hate to be blunt but if you don't understand some of these basic concepts it kind of puts your other conclusions into question.