Only you expensive cable owners, is this real?

I have followed and agree to all of your recommendations. I seen this on Facebook which I never believe anything but thought I would check it out with you guys.                                                   What are your thoughts?
I guess the definition of “odder stuff” varies from individual to individual. 😆 if I’m not mistaken both Cream Electret and Silver Rainbow Foil from PWB (Peter Belt) in Leeds are on Stereophile’s Recommended Components list. Some folks never get out of the house. Two of my most successful and effective products TT and CLC oft times make people’s head explode just seeing the name. See how they run!
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The most interesting angle so far is Ethan Winer's post here where he claims this is all an act, that Audiogon's reigning theoretical physicist doesn't really believe any of his own baloney and is doing this all as a joke. On all the dupes and rubes and fakers hawking crap like, oh I dunno, Teleportation Tweaks and polished rocks in plastic baggies. 

In other words, he thinks he's Alan Sokal.

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