Beyond the sound of things, and into the soul of things.

Beyond the sound of things, and into the soul of things.

Hi-res audio blows MP3s and AAC files out of the water. Essential data is lost when you listen to music via MP3 files because of the lossy compression that makes these files smaller. High-Resolution Audio can replicate the whole range of sound that the artist created when recording the content. Sony understands the importance of preserving the originality of music, which is why we’ve developed Hi-Res Audio products that allow audiophiles (like you) to listen to music in the best sound quality.

I listened to a file that I had downloaded in WAV which is a higher resolution than FLAC; this was Santana "Abraxas", an LP I bought in 1970, and since that time, have worn out many copies; to say I know every note on that LP is an understatement.

When I compared that file to my pristine LP, it was first in the lineup. As I listened, "It just doesn't get any better than this," I thought.

Now it was time for the LP; as the wax spun, I was floored on the first note; it was so definitive; after that keyboard intro, Santana's guitar just hung in the air, followed by the banging notes on the keyboard again, and then those unforgettable chimes; "Singing Winds and Crying Beasts" is the most perfect instrumental ever; IMO.

While the Hi-Res sounded good, the LP in my room felt good; I was flooded with all the memories I had experienced with this music playing in the background. Does anyone remember "Black Lights"; they made ladies legs glow in the dark when they wore certain kinds of stockings, what a scintillating sight.

So many colorful memories of my misspent youth passed before me as I listened, if only I could misspend them again. That's what the LP did for me; it regenerated my soul with it's soul; LP's have life, digital is the sound after it has been stripped of it's life.


Can you relate to the "Soul" of things?

Man I just love open reel. There is still the problem with drop-outs, head cleaning etc. but man does it sound sweet, especially half track as mentioned by tomic601. That Revox machine is awesome. I have to admit that CD's are so damned convenient. I use a CEC belt drive transport to get the best sound that I can. This allows me convenience and in my estimation, that soulful experience mentioned. Not necessarily as soulful as tape mind you, but still good sound.

I remember drop-outs, but that's all; I haven't experienced one in ages. Maybe it's something different in the newer tape formulation.

I know this is going to sound like heresy, but I swear it's not easy telling CD's from LP's on playback. When you think of just how much the sound of a CD changes once it has been recorded on a 2 track reel; then you'll understand how much it has metamorphosized into an LP on playback.

All this talk about the reel has reminded me; "It's time to buy some more tape."
Beyond the sound of things, and into the soul of things.

I would have stopped there. Beautifully said.

Many, many roads. We can [perhaps foolishly] dissect differences but it is difficult to argue or question one's being moved. However he or she arrives there, into their very personal 'soul of things.'

The way I'm using the word "soul", is only remotely connected to "soul-music", but to what is projected in the best recordings and playback. Since I treated the room, people I saw live, seem to be in the room; I can even tell the age they were when the recording was made by the sound of their voices.

Aretha Franklin is 2 years younger than me, which means she was 21 when I saw her at a club in Detroit, and she sounds 21 on this double LP, which is a combination of what she recorded in 64 and 65.

I find those lyrics comical for a pretty 21 year old girl who had yet to gain weight; but that's what I'm talking about when speaking of living "soul"; it's like the artist has been re-created and is in your listening room.

David, Part of this lies in one's ability to perceive, and you most certainly perceived where I was coming from.