Solid Silver Power Cord

I have a Wireworld Platinum Electra 7 power cord for my DAC and I love it! Maybe because it’s solid silver.

I am expecting the new Innuos ZEN MK3 to arrive soon, and need a good power cord for it. I am thinking solid silver, but the Platinum Electra is so expensive. Any good, cheaper solid silver alternatives? If not solid silver, what else would work great for digital (I will be using Innuos ZEN MK3 as a Roon Server and Endpoint)
Would love to try the Verrastarr cables especially the statement speaker cables. 

I use the Crystal Clear for my tube preamp only, all other components I use the Furutech SP55n with the NCF plugs.
I ended up ordering two pairs of Crystal Clear Magnum Opus XLR interconnects. This time directly from Mel - the cable maker.

Being made to order, he did not have any in stock, it will take a week or two to get them. Cannot wait.
Another update: the Crystal Clear Audio Magnum Opus XLR interconnects I received are simply fantastic! I sold both my Cardas Clear Reflections Interconnects.

I also ordered the Magnum Opus speaker cables. Should arrive next week. I am going all in Crystal Clear! Try them folks!