Jim - please keep us apprised of how the 2.3s do for you. The original 2.3 coax was the pioneer coax. Do you know when its upgrade happened?
My original prototype Brazilian Rosewood O2s from 1976 we given to our parents as an early appreciation gift for their support. They are in storage at my youngest brother's house in Virginia; I'll get them this summer and, of course, soup them up a little. The O2 actually started the audiophile ball rolling. The O1 was a 10" 2-way Rock-n-Roll Boogie Machine with 3rd order slopes and huge magnets for high efficiency and the EQ for 30 Hz bass . . . but not much finesse. Some early supporters asked if Jim could design something more refined, which became the O2 6.5" ported 2-way with second order slopes. Quite lovely for its day. I will apply the boundary-layer airflow technology under present development to the port and driver circumferences, add some absorption to the baffle to reduce diffraction and upgrade the passive components. And I bet we'll have a sweet little bookshelf monitor.
Thank you,
My original prototype Brazilian Rosewood O2s from 1976 we given to our parents as an early appreciation gift for their support. They are in storage at my youngest brother's house in Virginia; I'll get them this summer and, of course, soup them up a little. The O2 actually started the audiophile ball rolling. The O1 was a 10" 2-way Rock-n-Roll Boogie Machine with 3rd order slopes and huge magnets for high efficiency and the EQ for 30 Hz bass . . . but not much finesse. Some early supporters asked if Jim could design something more refined, which became the O2 6.5" ported 2-way with second order slopes. Quite lovely for its day. I will apply the boundary-layer airflow technology under present development to the port and driver circumferences, add some absorption to the baffle to reduce diffraction and upgrade the passive components. And I bet we'll have a sweet little bookshelf monitor.
Thank you,