CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl

No comparison, CD always sounds so cold and gritty. Vinyl is so much warmer, smoother and has better imaging and much greater depth of sound. It’s like watching the world go by through a dirty window pane when listening to a CD. Put the same LP on the turntable and Voila! Everything takes on more vibrancy, fullness and texture. 
Yes chakster, that is how l organise things. Hear the music on digital format, like it, seek out a vinyl. The only problem with that is sometimes you get a whole LP of average music for the sake of one decent song, whereas you can select on the digital files (songs) that you like. Personally l prefer to listen to the LP side by side, thats how the artist intended it.
However l guess thats part of the adverse nature of the analogue man!  
fleschler, I’m pretty sure you misunderstand what New Dark Matter is. NDM goes on the top surface of the player tray, not the CD. That’s why I challenged your player. It’s a one-time treatment for the CD, DVD, SACD, or BLU RAY player. 
Dark Vader came over tonight; we had dark chicken and listened to some rather light music in the dark. Dark prefers to listen to analog because he says the digital hurts his head. I don't mind. Dark don't matter.
Okay, I found the site listing for Dark Matter CD liquid treatment and a Dark Matter CD Tray square treatment.  I assume you are referring to the top of the tray treatment then since I thought it was for the treatment per CD.  Can you instruct me as to how and where on the top of the CD tray the squares are to be placed?  There are 10 squares.  What size are they?  If they are too large, they will cover the corners of the tray too much.  Also, if I place them in the CD tray area which holds the CD, the CD will not spin as freely.  This ad states there are 15 squares.  Why the double stick tape if it is to be placed on top of the tray?  80% coverage is indicated as optimal.  Again, how does one cover 80% of the tray with a sticky side up as well and permit the CD to spin freely?
What does the sticky tape tabs do to reduce laser light scatter?  Does the tab have special properties?  
I use the Walker Talisman to reduce/eliminate static from CDs and LPs.  CDs show immediate improvement upon use.  
In a Steve Hoffman forum, Machina Dynamica is ridiculed as hokum.  I always thought it was an intellectual tweak parody.  

I was upset with ElizabethH highly negative comment on that forum about the Shakti sticks, I assume she is referring to the Hallographs.  The Hallographs are being used by seven of my friends and myself to GREAT advantage.  My speakers lack focus (despite their name).  For me, they focus the soundstage, widen it, enhance the imaging and depth of the soundstage.  They are my no. 1 tweak tied with Stillpoints for vibration control.  After that come Perfect Path Omega E-Mats.