How to download Topping DX3 Pro Drivers from Topping website

I´m going bananas trying to download the latest firmware upgrade and drivers for the DX3 and I´m gettin´all the time this message:
' Too many requests
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How in hell i´m going to install the drivers when DX3 Pro arrives?

Has anyone got the drivers and the firmware upgrade to solve the `clicks' when changing source?
I would be eternally grateful... My Email address is :

-Cheers, community-
an old sayings.... "you get what you pay for". Good luck with learning Chinese 
It´s no my intention, ja, ja... Who knows, may be it´s a >Dropbox problem?. Is It chinese?
By the way, putting apart the nationality, the Topping D50 is excellent.
Is excellent compared to what? Everything is excellent, until you try something better.
Unless you pay two thousand bucks... May be you can pay them... Not me... Anyway, I was looking for good advise and help just in case anybody had the firmware zip. Obviously, you haven´t got it . I confess my sins... I bought a chinese DAC. God helps me!!!