Eggleston Works speakers: Expensive, but are they worth the money??

I have noticed for at least 10 years the name of Eggleston Works speakers, but rarely see reviews of their models. or ads for used  product.  Made in Tennessee, the company's emphasis on "made in USA quality" is interesting  and credible, but they are expensive and not actually the most attractive in appearance . 

 I recently read in TAS they have issued a new version of  "Emma EVO" which will retail for $5495.00.  Has anyone either owned or auditioned any of their models at home or at the Shows.

Thank you,



Had the Fountaine Sigs in my system on demo.  Really great all-around speakers with top notch components and build quality.  Agree they should have more publicity.  My only reservation is they lack just the last nth degree of air and space as compared to the likes of later Vandersteens, Joseph Audio, ProAc, and Silverline.  Just my experience and taste, but otherwise just top-notch in every way.

Thanks you to all members who responded so far. The information has been helpful.  However, like a few members above I am going to have find a great deal on a pair of their speakers under $10,000 to afford them. That is why I mentioned the new Emma Evo.. Used Andra I and II's rarely appear on Audiogon for sale


To soix....  Interesting comment about the Eggleston Fountaine Sigs. It speaks well of the brands you listed, except maybe the Silverline  I never owned their top tier models. I did  own and liked a lot, the second Prelude model. The newest version I have not heard. 

@sunnyjim I owned Andra II’s for 3 years. They are great speakers but I ended up selling them as my long term reference has always been Thiel, a very different sound.  I own 2 pair of them.

The Eggys did a lot right, great midrange and bass, very transparent and simply disappeared in the soundstage.  My only compliant, not quite enough air on the top end. I paired them with Mcintosh 501’s and Classe amps, which both lean to the dark side of reality. A different amp might have yielded different results. I thoroughly enjoyed them but were not a long term keeper for me. They are extremely heavy, just an FYI. Fortunately, I sold mine to a young buck who was able get them upstairs!
I have my Andra for about 16 plus years now, Many times I almost gave up on them, Wes Philip gave them stellar review, they are truly very good speakers, they like a lot of power, they can lack air and posses thin sounding as well, As Davidten heard them in my place, He likes what he heard, to eliminate the thin sounding , I choose tube preamp by Art audio, to push more air on them , I decided to used Musiical fidelity 550 monoblock supercharger, Teo GC and High Fidelity Reveal Cables , I complemented them with Cerious Technolgy speaker cables, the Andras did sound very musical with no trace of thin sounding....and more air and dynamics showed up....