Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic

I think this topic deserves its own thread , where use double ic through y adapters , from source to preamp, Can’t connect it from Preamp to Amp...For me the result is huge, I can’t go back to single ic....
shkong78, I am not surprised at your conclusion that it is better than 15 brands and 40 years of trials. Congratulations on trying it! You are demonstrating that Schroeder Method works not simply because of doubling a single brand of cables, but because of the advantage of using parallel interconnects, regardless of the brand/model. It seems to be a sensible tentative conclusion, but will bear further exploration by myself and others. That is valuable information. 

Never doubt it can get better. You are not at the pinnacle of your system's capacity. There are always means to improve an audio system, regardless of the pedigree and perceived quality of sound. 

You will likely end up with several combinations, and you may like a couple of them equally well. Then you have a nice alternative whenever you wish.  :)
Doug I tried Teo GC and Audience au24 ic , from dac teac 301 with vol control, to my Norh le amp monos, using Elac B6 speakers, this combo did match well, the sound stage open up, the music is so effortless.....
Dear Op

You also have good result of hetero combination of two different IC cables.

I expect to get Teo GCII next Tuesday.

I will also try out combination of Teo GCII and Crystal Audio cables.

It this kind of hetero combination is working, then the geometry of cable making is making less sense.

 then the geometry of cable making is making less sense.

Another way of looking at this is to say the commonly agreed methods of making cable upon is making less sense, that is, the methods that are based on the use of hard metals ( copper, silver, aluminum etc...) However when one looks at methods that use amorphous metals ( semi-liquids ) and liquid metals it makes all kinds of sense. Because if Bob Smith is correct ( and the successful use of fiber optic systems, which are amorphous metal based, seems to confirm this ) the issue all along using commonly agreed upon methods of cable making was bandwidth limitations which produce wire generated noise that among other things raises the noise floor and produce phase anomalies that to a greater or lesser extent and obscures the signal . Simply put hard metal based cable assemblies have bandwidth limitations that are reduced when the conductors are doubled. This also explains why amorphous and liquid metal systems are fundamentally superior for broadband signal transmission ( which is what a music signal is...note a lot of standard communication electronics transmission is made to be bandwidth limited to avoid the inevitable cable based noise ) , read their vastly wider bandwidth reduce wire generated noise and allow broad-band signal to be transmitted with more articulation which allows one to hear more of the sound-stage, the micro-detail, the slam etc etc.