Streaming music- not the end all music solution but one main advantage?

I noticed here on Agon that there are audiophiles who dislike streaming and some who like it. Some who hate digital and only like analog (think turntables and vinyl). Many who hate MQA and some that really listen to many MQA titles. Also some who really like the technical superiority of some equipment over others and really dig specs and others who trust their ears more.
What I like about streaming is the VAST every growing list of songs, artists and albums I can audition. I cannot own all this music in my home library and I cannot add 50-100 new albums daily. To me, for one who puts music before the equipment, this is the greatest advantage of streaming music.... I am much much more exposure to music. I don’t need to own it, but after a listen to a new artist, new song or new album that the I MUST have, I can buy the digital download or the analog version. What say you...about streaming?
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I would say i am probably at a 50/50 mix of streaming and analog( vinyl/ cassette).
I do not waste time comparing one to the other as way too many variables,I just enjoy each as they come.

And if I really like something I streamed I may well seek it out on vinyl.
Can't say as I buy many new CD though of late.
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Maybe I did not read fully but just took your diss of streaming to include ALL streaming , my bad.
Seriously take a free 30 day trial on Tidal and even their base 16/44 tier will put a smile on your face.

I resisted for years until I was persuaded to try by a few members here. Never looked back.

Yes it is $240 a year for the hifi tier but I think I now have about 1200 albums saved in my library over 2.5 years.
How much would those 1200 albums have cost to own in hard format? Way more and I likely would never have even heard of 75% of them if not for Tidal.
All good and helpful comments. As indicated by some fellow goners here, streaming should be able to co-exist with other tried and true music playback avenues (both analog and digital-to-analog). I have always been a fan of cassette tape, reel-to-reel tape, vinyl and turntables of all kinds, CDs and even dare I say 8-tracks (haha).
It has been noticed in my neck of the woods (Ohio,USA) many video clubs are closing because of such growing popularity of the Smartv, Netflix, Hulu, SlingTV, Amazon and many others. So many people have gone to streaming video and audio I wanted to provide a place to share the positive points.
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