Linear tracking turntables, whatever happened?

Curious as to the demise and downfall of the seemingly short lived linear tracking TT.
Just from a geometry point of view I would have thought a linear arm should be superior to one with a fixed pivot that sweeps through an arc.
Obviously there is much more to it than that, sort of the reason for this thread.
I am genuinely interested in trying one out for myself as well.
Yes absolute sense especially as my patient searching just found similar information on an old thread on StereoNet Australia of all places!
Apparently the aussies love these things, likely because they will play upside down.... (jk before any angry Ausmen get all wound up!)

Unfortunately as the original excellent mc cart is near unobtanium and I could not find any aftermarket p mount mc carts it will be wearing an Azden YM-P20E for now. So I will just select MM and feed it into my regular mm phono stage.

This was the quote I found, and then a few more posts after it expounding on it a little more

"By the way, the Technics SL-10 doesn't have a built-in MC phono stage or preamp. It's a head amp/pre-preamp; gain stage only, no R.I.A.A. re-equalisation."
So I guess my curiosity is sated.

The SL-10 cw Azden YM-P20E sounds mighty good set up in my second system.
Simplicity itself and built like a tank!
It's a keeper for sure.

Well, you know what needs to happen now uberwaltz ? 

I mean this is the biggest and baddest (in a good way) .....Audiophile site.  

If you are happy that it is set up properly and works well. (won't wreck your lps)

The next step is to put it in your first system, and play a record that has history there;  an LP that you are intimately familiar with. One that you know every pop on it - and expect it. 8^0

Some would not dream of putting a $50 bought turntable up against their expensive one.  

I think you will be surprised at what you hear. kudos for walking the walk far ....8^0

I may just do that....
However cw the Azden cart it cost a little bit more than $50
It was the Sansui that was just $55 and that was vastly inferior SQ to the SL-10 and has already been relegated.
Maybe tomorrow I will try it.
How much all in?

I won't provide any hints of what I and others hear.
Will just say - look for an LP that provides you with huge Gestalt, especially toward the end of the side. Crescendo movement.

Physically, a record that has grooves running closer to the spindle.
The inside grooves on an LP are the smallest, tightest,  and hardest to track.

Look forward to impressions.