Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Outstanding! Thank You for the follow up regarding your CS 7.2 loudspeakers. Good to read that Rob was in a position to rebuild the damaged driver(s) and make your speakers operational again.
What other gear including cabling is in your system?

Happy Listening!
Your system looks very elegant. Those cross-over networks are beautiful- you have really raised the DIY bar, outdone yourself.  As your schedule allows, talk about the improvements in sound quality per musical tastes.
Sonic improvements for a certain test track or two, album titles...etc.

Thanks :)

I am not a guy who can write a good description about how something sounds, I can tell you that my Thiel's sounds best ever out of this world good to me IMHO, and it does!!, but this is for sure no reference to others, it's the same for me when I read sound descriptions from others, there is simple no reference for me to compare.

My brother is also a audio freak like me and we know from each other how our systems sounds, he knows directly what I mean when I say how something has improved because he has a reference ;)

"vegasears Good to see you here. What gear do you have in your system?"

VTL 450MKII, Mcintosh C2500 & B&W801S3 are the main components.

My current system is SAM reference TT+Audia Flight phono pre/Raysonic 168 CD player/Bluenode streamer feeding an ARC Reference 3 driving a pair of Levinson 436 amps for this system. As for cables, I am firmly in the budget cable camp, so I use a mix of Blue Jean, Monoprice, and custom made cables. I have more gear than I can use at any one time, so things get swapped in and out periodically though:)
