Recommendation on power amp

I would like recommendations for a power amp for my system which comprises of 
theta digital gen viii series 3 preamp/dac, ayre cx-5xe mp CD player, LUMIN mini u1 streamer, kef blade 2 with a pair of jl audio f113v2 connected with a jl audio cr-1 active crossover, kimber cables , rega rp8 turntable , parasound jc-3 phono stage.
currently using a pair of parasound jc-1 . Thinking of ayre mx-r twenty . Would like recommendations on compatibility of the ayre with the above system .
thanks everyone in advance .

One persons advertorials is another persons story and explanation of how and why something occured and testing experience. 

Would you prefer brand x good brand y bad 
Would you prefer brand x good brand y bad

Of course I would, if I valued their opinion - the more succinct the better. The value I place on someone's opinions is its motive. Is it a genuine conveyance of their knowledge or, is there an underlying veiled attempt at free advertising?
@audiotroy  the majority of your posts do seem more advertorial. You don't blatantly put down gear you don't sell but instead say something to the effect that brand X (that you don't sell) is good but brand Y (that you do sell) is much better. We all can read between the lines. Sorry but I'm one that could never do business with your establishment. 
I would consider not narrowing it down to those two.

Price does not dictate quality, I know $2000 power amps that outperform $50,000 ones.

Here are amps that are very transparent, so wattage is all you really need to focus on (normal listening distance with 87dB speakers usually don’t need more than 50W):

* Benchmark AHB2, can be used as monoblocks (as long as your speakers minimum impedance isn’t much below 3ohm).
* PS Audio BHK 300
* Arcam FMJ P49
* Parasound JC5, can be used as monoblocks. 
Dave/AudioTroy, Audio Doctor--

Nice job of trying to shuck and jive to try and take the attention off yourself. Won’t work with me, though. And, I think most audiophiles are smart enough that it won’t work with them, either.

You guys have one guy shooting a number out there, and then you come in with a higher number. The lower number was actually posted right in this forum. What you did, is, at best, bad business. I think it is closer to downright unethical. I still maintain my boat anchor, and my basement sound system are in better shape than the amps you are trying to hustle.

Regarding Jim Smith’s Book, "Getting Better Sound," several happy customers recommended it to me as a result of my inquiry specifically about getting better sound from my system. The cost? $30.00. I never heard from Jim Smith, until I asked him to call me. I have, however, heard more than enough from you-- all of it unsolicited.

Go back to the swamp with the reptiles and amphibians-- you’ll feel right at home.