Recommendation on power amp

I would like recommendations for a power amp for my system which comprises of 
theta digital gen viii series 3 preamp/dac, ayre cx-5xe mp CD player, LUMIN mini u1 streamer, kef blade 2 with a pair of jl audio f113v2 connected with a jl audio cr-1 active crossover, kimber cables , rega rp8 turntable , parasound jc-3 phono stage.
currently using a pair of parasound jc-1 . Thinking of ayre mx-r twenty . Would like recommendations on compatibility of the ayre with the above system .
thanks everyone in advance .

Hate to be a party pooper but our store has a room filled with amplifiers from $1,000.00 - $15k in one room and and if you add in the matching preamps you may be talking up to $25k. yes these amplifiers do sound radically different.

In our reference room we have $10k amplifiers, $19k, $14k solid state amplifiers and tube amplifiers from $8k to $38k

There are families of sound certain amplifier companies are in the fast, transparent and perhaps a bit lean or just slightly warm: Spectral, Audionet, Ayre, Chord, Sim, Bryston, Solution, T+A,  all tend to fall in this area

Then there are the warmer richer amps which may or may not accentuate the the bass with a more polite top end: Dagastino, new Krell XD, Parasound, Anthem STR, Pass Labs, Coda, Darthzeel, Thrax, Ypsilon.

then there are the very neutral punchy amplifiers Hegel, Nuprime, ARC, later CJ, VTL.

all of these are great amplifiers and will shine with the right components and system matching any brand not mentioned was not intentional. 

There are definatly increase in openess, resolution, the size, width and depth of the soundstage when you reach the uber amplifiers they just increase the sense of precence over the lesser amplifiers.

When we were searching for reference electronics for our Polymer and Paradigm Persona and Kef Blades we tried: CJ, Devialet, Chord, Thrax, Electrcompaniet, Manly Labs, until we got the T+A gear which just made the speakers come alive in ways that the other amplifiers just didn’t.

As per the OP please try the new Krell solo 575 XD based on your original post of wanting a more organic sound you might really like them, the Ayre amplifiers are very fast and are cleaner then the Krell’s but they lack the sense of flowing warmth and body that the Krell amplifiers do so well, as a Blade dealer we have found amplifiers with a bit of warmth tend to work really well with the Blades which have a very uncolored midrange and tend to like things which add a bit of warmth to the speakers.

Also the Krell are more powerful and are a lot less expensive to boot.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

I really like the way Audiotroy put those amps into categories of similarity in sound . Never seen that before . 
@Audiotroy I have a pair of Kingsound King Electrostatic speakers . Do you have a recommendation for a amp or monos that would delivery the perfect sound ? You know , great bass great mids and perfect treble .
I am going to listen the krell 575 xd before I decide . Yes they r much cheaper and lot more watt per $.
Reading the responses I felt a lot of raised eyebrows about the Jl Audio cr-1 and pair of Jl Audio f113v2 set up for the low end .
I would like everyone to read the below white papers that I am going to post a link to .
They r by Barry Oder “the Sounddoctor “, who I had the pleasure of spending 2 days with .
this is the link to the home page, you can navigate to the white papers. 
Trust me you will find the reading quite enjoyable and helpful
I can add something of value perhaps to the discussion. I think audiotroy mentioned he does not carry JL Audio subwoofers and now carries SVS.I cannot find fault with his statement but...
Quite a few years back, before SVS became a bigger company, I had driven to Ohio to purchase a subwoofer from them. I liked it for sure but a few years later it developed a problem. When I contacted SVS directly they flat out stated they would not fix it (even if I paid them) and suggested I buy a new one. They did not even suggest I buy one from them?? I would buy a REL, JL Audio, Rythmik or Salk subwoofer before SVS. My two cents...I think salespeople can be very helpful since they have much knowledge, but often they become arrogant when making claims about gear. I have bought gear from Don Better in Cleveland and he has been great. I think audiogon members sharing knowledge can be helpful and that is why I shared my experience here...