DAC Upgrade

I currently using a Bryston BDA-1 DAC and although it is a pretty good DAC, I want to upgrade to a 2r2 DAC. I recently purchased a Jays Audio cdt2 mk.ll transport and it is exceptional. My budget is in the $2,000 range and after careful review, I have narrowed the list to Schitts-Yagdrasil, Denafrips-Pontus and Holo Spring 2 level 2(new). Unfortunately, It is difficult to compare the three of them side by side, so I have to rely on expert reviews. I am looking for a DAC that is transparent, extended but smooth highs, 3D midrange and tight bass. My equipment is Prima Luna Prologue Pre Amp, Prima Luna Dialogue HP Amp and Silverline Sonata Mk.III speakers. Any thoughts?

The studies/books/papers of Toole, Olive, etc. in regards to speakers/headphones.

The study by this team of people as well as others showing that no one has 70% confidence or higher is differentiating CD vs 320Kbps MP3.

The many AES papers and human trials (one done by Axiom Audio for instance) showing linear and non-linear distortion audibility.

Geddes’ work/papers for subwoofers, waveguides, etc.

Again, I welcome discussion, and have asked many times to be given points where my logic/reasoning fails. So, besides “this one sounded better to me”, I’d love to hear why the Benchmark or Chord DACs aren’t transparent enough, and not say Herb Reichert of Stereophile saying the Benchmark removed the sound of church walls in a recording.
The studies/books/papers of Toole, Olive, etc. in regards to speakers/headphones. The study by this team of people ...
The link you provide does not refute cavy’s claim:
I have found that great measurements don’t always produce great sounding equipment
It doesn’t even address that claim. Some of your other proclamations don’t even make sense:
Also, using common sense to not belive in things just cause I’m good by others.
Perhaps it’s time for you to conduct some blind tests of your own to support your beliefs. It confounds me that so few are willing to do that while at the same time they are so quick to invent the results of tests they don’t seem to know anything about.
He's got the Delta Sigma disease, I'm afraid it's terminal once it's got this kind of hold. Then again maybe he's a dsd/sacd stream/download junkie, then there's no hope for a cure.

Cheers George 

How does it not address the claim? Harman has done countless double-blind sessions (started by Toole), and he states/documents the better measured speaker wins every time, even regardless of room placement. Now, ideal bass and treble levels do differ slightly, but Toole is comparing speakers being sold, and none are close enough to where a worse imaging/soundstage or audible distortion would be ignored for better bass/treble.

Their work is peer-reviewed, so I don’t see how you can claim that since I haven’t participated in such a study that me referencing their solid findings doesn’t hold water.
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