Best multi-purpose subwoofer

Best multi-purpose subwoofer - meaning it fulfills my pursuit for audiophile 2 channel listening and my home theater needs. I have a large TV room 22x22x8 (LxDxH) with floor standing Von Schweikerts VR4 speakers. Room is used both for dedicated 2 channel listening as well as home theater. Unfortunately the design of the room is not the best as it has glass on one side (leading to the backyard) and laundry room behind (meaning its also the family room). Currently I have a 8 inch NHT SW1 old subwoofer which needs an upgrade. The maximum dimensions I can afford on a subwoofer is  15x18x20 (LxDxH). 
As mentioned I want to be able to connect a High Level Input (for 2 channel) and .LFE for HT - so the subwoofer will need to have both. Grace for dedicated listening as well as power for HT. The only time I would consider a larger subwoofer is if it has wireless capabilities so I can place it anywhere in the room. 
Any suggestions on which subwoofer may work best for me? 
Hi Tim, 

Once again thanks for the detail write up. I also have been reading a ton and making phone calls to better understand how multiple subwoofers in a room make the bass better and how at the end of the day the Swarm system really is a great value. I am still a little unclear on how I can leverage the Swarm system for both HT and 2 channel listening. Subwoofers like the REL make it real easy for simultaneously connecting both the LFE and 2 channel ( using neutrik connector). Not sure how I would leverage the Swarm system.

I am connecting my Benchmark DAC to the Simaudio via balanced XLR cables for 2 channel listening. I have a separate Marantz pre AV7005 for HT that I connect to my other 3 channel amp and when ready for movies I switch the XLR on the Simaudio to RCA connection out of the Marantz to get 5.1 (since Simaudio has both XLR and RCA). XLR for Benchmark and RCA for Martantz - but obviously never both at the same time. 

What I am hoping for is - I continue to use the Benchmark as the preamp for 2 channel listening and somehow connect to the Swarm using RCA y adapters (will have to compromise using RCA to connect Benchmark to Simaudio) as you had mentioned in option#2. 
When switching to HT - remove the RCA from Simaudio and connect the RCA R/L coming from Marantz pre and also take the Subwoofer out (SW1) from Marantz into the LFE input in Swarm and remove ther RCA line in from Swarm (as you cannot have both LFE and RCA connected to the sub at the same time). 

All this is doable but seems like a lot of work to switch between dedictaed 2 channel listening and HT. Feel like REL offers a more painless and easy solution. 

The other option is - I can stop using the Benchmark DAC as a preamp and start using the Marantz for both 2 channel and HT. Simply connect to Swarm using the LFE inputs. In this scenario I will be; 
(a) compromising on sound quite a bit in my 2 channel listening (Benchmark pre sounds amazing) and, 
(b) will be using the pre-processor cross over and not the subwoofer’s. 

As you can see there is not a clear solution to this without some compromise - but I really hope I am going about this incorrectly and there is a better/cleaner way to connect both HT and dedicated listening for Swarm system since you can only connect LFE or the RCA line in but not both at the same time. LFE uses the pre-processor cross over and RCA line in uses the subwoofers. 
" but I really hope I am going about this incorrectly and there is a better/cleaner way to connect both HT and dedicated listening for Swarm system since you can only connect LFE or the RCA line in but not both at the same time. LFE uses the pre-processor cross over and RCA line in uses the subwoofers.

Hi guhlamr,

To help you find a good solution, I need to know the model number of your Benchmark DAC, the music source you use and how do you connect this source’s output to your DAC (which exact input you use?).

Just to clarify, you stated: "LFE uses the pre-processor cross over and RCA line in uses the subwoofers."
This is correct for the inputs on the Swarm sub amp. The bass cross-over setting for the LFE output would be set on your AV7005 and the Swarm amp’s low-pass onboard cross-over is bypassed.  For music, the bass cross-over frequency is set using the Swarm amp's front panel  control.                               
You also stated: " you can only connect LFE or the RCA line in but not both at the same time."
This is incorrect for the inputs on the Swarm sub amp. You can connect both and the Swarm amp will automatically detect which input is active and amplify it. This is how my system is setup. I only play one at a time, either music or ht and it automatically sends the source I’m playing to the subs.

I forgot to mention, I wasn’t aware your amp had both XLR and rca L+R inputs. This is a good thing since I think you should be able to keep the L+R outputs of your DAC connected to the L+R inputs on your amp via XLR cables.

Now I just need to take a closer look at your DAC and sources for their connections.

Hi Tim, 

this is great news. I am glad that the Swarm system can connect the LFE and Line in both at the same time. 

I have a Benchmark DAC1. The source for my digital music is Apple TV. I am connecting via HDMI in to OPPO 105 and coax out of OPPO into Benchmark. Music sounds heavenly. I play my FLAC files (all CD's burned to an external 2TB hard drive) via OPPO as well, which has an excellent file management system with Grace notes. I have thought about moving to Tidal music, but don't see a whole lot of improvement in sound at 320kbps. The only advantage I see is Tidal will allow me better streamer connection capability - like Allo Digi One Signature - instead of Apple TV. But I guess Apple really locks you in with all the ecosystem integrations. What do you think? 

Back to subwoofer connection. I took some time out to draw how the connection will look like on paper and I think I may have a solution. 
My 2 channel dedicated listening set up using Benchmark as preamp will be connected using XLR output into Simaudio XLR inputs. Subwoofer will be connected using the Benchmark RCA outputs to the RCA Line inputs of the subwoofer. I will calibrate the sub cross-over for stereo. 

For HT connection - Marantz LFE output will connect to the LEF input of the subwoofer and the preamp will calibrate the cross-overs. This connection will stay in place and the only manual change between HT and dedicated listening will be to remove the XLR inputs from Simaudio and connect the RCA input from Marantz every time I set it up for HT (have to borrow the 2 channel amp). I can use a switch box for that eventually. 

Does that sound right? Also any thoughts on the best way to connect/listen to streaming digital music? Thanks again Tim for your expert input. Getting closer...