Difference in sound between day and night. Help!

Hello Guys,I'm having a pretty big difference in sound quality in my system between day and night.

During day time the system sounds very very nice, but during night time it sounds superb, amazing, incredible, I dont have enough accolades.

I have the Audio-GD R8 DAC, the Audio-GD Master 1 preamp and a Nord Acoustics Class D Power Amp (wich is a hell of an amp) and I think the most sensitive to AC Power noise/problems is the R8. I also have the Wyred4Sound USB Reclocker, but as it has a dedicated Swagman Lab Linear Power Supply, so I don't think it is the problem.

I also have the Bada 5600 Power Filter, three PS Audio Noise Harvester, DH Labs Power Cables and good connectors (Wattgate) on all the different parts of the system, but it seems to be not enough to better completely the AC Power deficiencies.

As anyone experienced the same and corrected it? How?

I prefer to keep the budget under 1.500 USD, so most of the Power Regenerators offered on the market (PS Audio, etc) can't be considered. What about the Dussun X800 Pure Power Supply Regenerator? Has anyone tried it or tried any Dussun product? There are a few pretty decent reviews of Dussun products on Internet, but not much.

I cannot install a dedicated Power Line for my system, I can only use the shared AC circuit.

Thank you!
Hello twoleftears.
Thanks, I know it, but I live overseas and in my country (Argentina) there's no dealer offering Power Conditioners with trial period.
If i decide to buy one, it will be a blind purchase, like I did with all my system.
I’ve noticed the same thing, OP. Music sounds better at night. There are a few things that might cause this:

1) Less businesses operating which otherwise make for dirtier power lines.
2) Your perception physically changes. Afterall, it’s night time - you need to be able to hear the jaguar in the bush because you can’t see it. Your brain is most assuredly making different neurotransmitters at night.
3) A better ground. (I actually put a lot of faith in this one even though I don’t have measurements.) When the sun shines on Earth, it excites electrons in the ground (this is called circadian “charge” or something like that name.) The dark side of Earth doesn’t receive this charge. The charge flows from light side to dark side - these are called tellurian currents. They are measurable at dusk and dawn. Of all the places you can be (light side, dusk, dawn or dark side) the dark side will have the least electrical activity in the ground.
4) Some combination of the above.
5) None of the above.

Instead of fighting it, I’ve come to embrace it: “Oh, it’s night time, I bet my audio system sounds great! Let’s go listen.”
As others have commented, it may be alcohol consumption that, among other things, makes music sound so much better.  Want a real boost in perceptive audio performance?  Smoke some good weed just prior.  you will quickly pick out nuances in your favorite tracks that you've never heretofore noticed.  Promise.  Oh....do not drive while doing this or after.
I have always noticed this, and have always attributed it to the lower ambient noise both external and internal, perceptible in the listening space at night.
I believe that I become acclimated to ambient noise to the point where I am not always consciously aware of it, but I can still notice the difference in my perception of the music when the ambient noise floor is lowered.
I’ve never tried to evaluate my system on a day V night survey, but I had a problem with a tripping circuit breaker. Ran a dedicated 20 amp circuit just for the preamp & power amp, only expecting the breaker to stop tripping. The soundstage depth, width, height, imaging, and bass slam was not anything I had heard previously. If you can’t run a dedicated circuit, perhaps you could try removing anything that isn’t audio related and plug them elsewhere.