Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Believe me, the Wax coils are the icing on the cake in the whole picture!!

Equal to the coax, the upper bass / low mids in the room now places more up front and outside the speakers and the bass / low mids has more weight / push and detail, the Wax coils clearly!! show an improvement with every kind of music in the lower regions, music with low voices like for example Leonard Cohen sounds really freaking good.

I am totally happy with how the speakers are performing now, by default I was already very impressed with the CS2.4 but now they perform at a totally different level!! what I want to say more is that there is absolutely no sharpness or rawness to hear, rather the opposite!! with still the beautiful Thiel character present.
Holco - I appreciate you sharing your work with us. I am getting Jantzen wax coils for direct comparison with ERSE foil. Both use the same 5-9+alloy and both are wound on sophisticated tensioning equipment. Both are bonded, but ERSE is resin and Jantzen is paper & wax. Sweet development. Thanks. 

Greate move!! I am very curious about what you think of the Jantzen wax coils.
At the risk of being led to the slaughter by the purists in the group I have to say I have been trying some digital EQ using REW to generate filters which optimize gains, q's and frequencies, using a calibrated microphone and a macbook pro.  REW generates filters, which then get loaded into Roon's convolution engine.  My room is a little problematic and without going into too much detail I'm limited as to seating positions.  The speakers are about 12' apart with about 2.5' between them and the side walls; my seating position is about 11.5' away from each speaker.  The speakers are about 5' from the rear wall.  I've had a problem getting satisfying smooth bass in the room.  The room is well-damped if not overdamped.  I thought first you would be interested in seeing the how right and left speakers measure when fed pink noise.  While the chart looks bad initially you'll notice that once you get up to about 800hz and above particularly, the response in room is actually fairly flat with a small suppressed area between 3200hz and 5000hz before a very gentle rolloff above 5000hz.  The "somewhat" major issues are the bump between 80hz and 110 hz, and the fairly deep suckout between 50hz and 80hz.  I'm certain this is partially the result of room modes and if I were able to move speakers and or seating position forward or back I could tame them quite a bit.  Be advised I am NOT trying to create a perfectly flat response with EQ.  Nonetheless with a fairly small selection of filters applied automatically using REW using parameters including a desired target of + or - 3b, I'm able to achieve the second image of the corrected response using the filters.  Again most of the filters are acting on the response <200.  Actually I have one whole set of filters that EQ ONLY frequencies below 200 but the results in the picture attached are the full range EQ filters.  What I've found was when I let REW EQ the whole range the program only ends up with 3 or 4 filters above 200 eq, mostly in the middle high and high frequencies to shelve that down a little.  I have a pretty sensitive ear having grown up around classical music and I have to say with the filters engaged I don't hear anything amiss with regard to timing, timbre or other things that are important to me which is pretty astounding to me since I have read and have always believed that while you can be a little heavy handed with everything below 200hz or so you should leave the rest alone.  At any rate I am incredibly impressed at how REW can smooth out bass response in my problematic room.  The filters don't seem to affect the very accurate and awesome natural timbre of Thiels which is their real strength.