Seadogs1 - Take some time and read through this thread. I know it's long but there is a lot of info in it that will answer your question.
My horns are AH300 by Acoustic Horn Company. I am using B&C DCX 50 compression drivers. These are mounted atop a pair of JBL L-200 cabinets which contain RCF L15P530 woofers. Crossover, etc. is handled by an XTA 224. I think they are good.
My horns are AH300 by Acoustic Horn Company. I am using B&C DCX 50 compression drivers. These are mounted atop a pair of JBL L-200 cabinets which contain RCF L15P530 woofers. Crossover, etc. is handled by an XTA 224. I think they are good.